Welcome! If you had a chance to read my brief about me section you know that I am married with twin daughters and a golden doodle. I’m willing to bet that you saw the fast fact about me relocating all across the country for the last decade and you’re probably thinking, “Surely, that’s an exaggeration….” The long and short of it is that we moved from Georgia in 2013 including stops in New York, Missouri, Ohio and back to Missouri. Our average residency was 2 years with one 4 year layover thrown in there. We’ve been homeowners in every state, have dabbled in rentals striving to be the best landlords, and jumped on the bandwagon of camper living to build a home in the middle of a pandemic. Trust me when I say it is just as crazy as it sounds. One thing that has been consistent is home ownership which also means a lot of buying and selling. While I’ve only been a resident of St. Louis county for four years total and might not be an expert in a particular neighborhood or community, I am an expert at market research for buying and selling homes. Since we relocated from state to state we have never been able to use a realtor for purchase twice. Honestly, it makes me cringe to admit being a realtor myself. We always used the same realtor for purchase and then resell but moving to a new city meant we had to figure it out on our own. Everything from exuberant amounts of market research to finding and doing business with realtors that I didn’t personally know. To make matters worse, I have very clear idea of what I want in a home for my family so I was always the one sending my realtor homes I wanted to see. Insert imaginary thought bubble here. This is when I started dreaming about how I could give people the home buying/selling experience I always wish I had. Personalized service with excellent communication, check-lists to always know what is next (hello type A personality), staging to bring in more buyers, and to build relationships that show integrity so that my clients never worry where my loyalty stands. That was my dream and here I am living it. I am so thankful for every opportunity I have to help clients find ordinary houses that make extraordinary homes.